CBSE makes special educators must in all schools
Abhishek Choudhari | Jul 8, 2015, 03.28 AM IST
Special children, no special educators?
Pre School/ nursery play school
Elementary (primary and upper primary)
* Senior diploma in teaching the deaf
* BA/BEd in visual impairment
* Any other equivalent qualification approved by RCI
Source: Times of India
Abhishek Choudhari | Jul 8, 2015, 03.28 AM IST
Nagpur: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has now made it mandatory for all affiliated schools to appoint a special educator so that children with learning disabilities could be assimilated with other students. Apart from the central board's philosophy of "inclusive practices" in schools, this directive has also been necessitated due to strict guidelines of the Right to Education Act (RTE).
DTS Rao, board's joint secretary, wrote in the letter to schools containing above directions, "Board will appreciate cooperation of the schools in implementation of the above."
Laying down broad guidelines, CBSE said a special educator was specifically required in schools to work with children and young adults who required additional support in order to complete their learning successfully. Rao wrote, "Special educators (SE) will focus on children with physical disabilities, sensory impairments, developmental disabilities such as autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy and specific learning disabilities as they are emotionally vulnerable and have behavioral difficulties". The scope of work has been widened for SEs as CBSE says they could also work with "gifted and talented children".
But finding qualified SEs is a big challenge for schools. Annapoorni Shastri, senior principal of Bhavan's BP Vidya Mandir (Shrikrishna Nagar), said, "In Nagpur it is difficult to get SEs with proper qualifications. Part of the problem is that in teacher training colleges, special education course is focused on kids with hearing and speaking disability rather than autism etc."
Schools where such children are enrolled said teaching approach has to be tailor-made. Shastri said, "For an autistic child there has to be one-on-one teaching and they cannot be burdened with all subjects at once, hence the open schooling system is for them. For others, CBSE does offer choices of subjects like music, e-typing etc which are relatively easy to handle."
Apart from subject choices, the other aspect that makes inclusive education possible is the students' support system on campus. Sumathi Venugopalan, principal of Centre Point School (Wardhaman Nagar), said, "Every student moves up from our pre-primary section school, Mothers Pet, so they all are anyway close to each other. It is only at a later age that learning disabilities become apparent and we all adapt accordingly. We have a 'buddy system' in which a student volunteers to help another and builds a great ecosystem. Some of our students have cerebral palsy and autism but they are doing well with help of SEs, counselors and their classmates."
Not every school has students with special needs, something that maybe incidental or deliberate. With CBSE making it mandatory for every school to have a SE, one might expect to more such admissions taking place.
Special children, no special educators?
* Finding qualified special educators in Nagpur is a challenge
* Schools say 'teacher colleges' focus only on teaching physically challenged kids
* Theory and practical skills required for kids with learning disabilities are lacking in teachers
* Considering that children with special needs form a very small percentage of total strength, dedicating enough manpower is financially tough
Pre School/ nursery play school
* Std X passed and certificate program in early childhood and special education.
* Std XII passed and diploma program in early childhood special Education DECSE-MR DECSE-VI.
* Std XII passed and diploma in teaching children (Deaf and hard of Hearing)
* Std X passed and diploma certificate care giving program.
* Any other equivalent qualification approved by Rehabilitation Council of India.
Elementary (primary and upper primary)
* Std XII passed and two year DEd Special education in any of the category of disability
* Std XII passed and one year diploma in special education (DSE) in any of the category disability
* Diploma in community based rehabilitation (DCRB) with six months certificate course in education of children with special needs.
* Post graduate diploma in community based rehabilitation with six months certificate course in education of children with special needs.
* Diploma in Multi rehabilitation worker with six months certificate course in education of children with special needs
* Junior diploma in teaching the deaf
* Primary level teacher teaching course in visual impairment
* Diploma in vocational rehabilitation mental retardation (DVR-MR)/ diploma in vocational training and employment mental retardation (DVTE-MR) with six months certificate course in education of children with special needs
* Diploma in hearing language and speech with six months certificate course in education of children with special needs
* Std XII passed with RCI recognized qualification for minimum one year duration and six months with special needs.
* Any other equivalent qualification approved by RCI
Secondary and senior Secondary
* Graduate with B.Ed. (special education).
* BEd general with one year diploma in special education
* BEd general with two-year diploma in special education
* BEd general with post graduate professional diploma in special education
* BEd special education and post graduate professional certificate in special education
* PG diploma in special education (mental retardation)
* PG diploma in special education (multiple disabilities: physical and neurological)
* PG diploma in special education (locornotor impairment and cerebral palsy)
* Secondary level teacher training course in visual impairment
* Senior diploma in teaching the deaf
* BA/BEd in visual impairment
* Any other equivalent qualification approved by RCI
Source: Times of India
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