Aadhar numbers brought in so much of ease in putting faces to the numbers and thus making it easy for the direct transfer of subsidies to the needy. However, linking of Aadhar cards for receiving gas cylinders is proving a big hurdle for the charitable institutions since the insitutions are not individuals eligible for aadhaar numbers/ cards!
Perhaps while planning integration of Aadhaar with the Gas Connections, this aspect was not taken in to account. The Gas companies should come up with alternatives for charitable organsiations, so that they may quote their registration number or PAN no. rather than Aadhaar number since they are also entitled to receive gas cylinders at reduced rates given the nature of their work.
Here is the coverage from TOI - Charitable institutions lose out due to Aadhar cards
TNN | Jun 26, 2013, 05.13 AM IST
Panaji/Margao/Ponda: Charitable organizations, religious institutions and other bodies carrying out social and community work face hardships in accessing LPG cylinders at subsidized rates after the re-oriented scheme was launched from June 1, 2013.
As per provisions of the scheme, Aadhar cards of individual consumers have to be linked to their bank accounts, but this poses a problem in the case of organizations.
"We have to buy LPG cylinders from the open market due to this problem," Fr Savio Barreto, rector of Basilica of Bom Jesus, Old Goa, said. The Professed House adjoining the Basilica has a few priests and staff. But the LPG refills prove costly, as the card is registered in the institution's name.
Youth formation movement headed by Fr Patricio Fernandes organizes "light of the world" retreats for SSC students. "A two-day residential retreat is held for an average of 70 students on all days, except Sunday," Fr Barreto said.
Salik Usman who works at the administrative wing of a Margao-based orphanage for girls said that there is not much clarity regarding the linking of the Aadhar card to the LPG scheme and said that authorities should have created better public awareness about it.
Matruchaya, an orphanage in Dhawali in Ponda also faces a similar problem and they have requested the Goa marketing and supply federation to allot LPG cylinders at subsidized rates.
The government provides a subsidy of 396 directly in the bank account of consumers on the sale price of 815.50 per 14.2 kg refill.
Sources in another convent also said that they face a similar problems and have to buy the refills in the open market. An oil company official said the problem can be solved if any representative of the organization possessing an Aadhar card opens a bank account in his name and links it to the card.
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